Beyoncé just released her video for her second single, "Best Thing I Never Had," from her album 4 moments ago. Of course, I was on BeyonceOnline right at 8 o'clock! Haha I have been anticipating this video for a while. The song is amazing! Honestly, I feel like it's one of B's best in her career. In the video, she speaks directly to a past boyfriend while preparing for her wedding (perhaps her real life ex that she was with from what like ages 11-19, looking at the '98 prom scene!). She lets him know basically that, "Hey, you showed out, and I moved on. You will never have me, and that's going to be one of the biggest mistakes of your life." Always gonna be the best thing you never had.
I loved the video itself. It was Beyoncé's silly side that's always good to see, and a lot of smiles! I can tell this was a real life song for her. The wedding dress was beautiful. Didn't really care for the bunching at the hip, but it was gorgeous still! And I don't know. Not that I expected it, but how excellent would it have been if Jay was the groom?! I mean, she is acknowledging their marriage more and more in speeches and interviews. The romantic in me would have loved it haha! Check out "Best Thing I Never Had" below!
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