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Betty White Invited To the Marine Corps Ball Too!

Ok, so we've heard about both Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake being invited to the Marine Corps Ball. Well, it seems invitations will never end as Golden Girl Betty White gets an invite as well from Sgt. Ray Lewis (courtesy of PEOPLE). Lord this will never end! It was cute when the guy asked Mila. I saw the connection to Mila and Justin's new movie Friends with Benefits when this female Marine asked him. But now Betty?! She's 89, man! Haha but the funniest thing is that I could actually see her going along with it. I mean, Mila and Justin are going (even though they are separate balls...Marines have different balls throughout the year). So who knows? Maybe Betty will make an appearance. She has yet to accept or decline.

"I think I could make her laugh. I think she could make me laugh. We could laugh together." Hahaha is this kid for real?! Check out his invitation to Ms. Betty below!



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