The lawsuit alleges that Constance used the $7,500 a month that Leighton had given her on cosmetic procedures and other personal expenses instead of on Leighton's brother.
A source told PEOPLE., "This whole thing's been really tough on Leighton. Her only concern has always been taking care of her brother. Leighton's really close with her brother and her dad – her parents are divorced. Leighton's a sweet girl – she cares about work, friends and family."
Even though it hasn't been officially proven in court yet, I could see it. Leighton claims Constance threatened to sue her for $3 million if she didn't raise the monthly allowance to $10,000. Uh huh. Sometimes money changes people. Other times it changes the people around you. People see others they know making it, and figure that they should be making it too. And that's not the case. Not saying that a famous person making money shouldn't give back to their family, community, etc. I definitely would if I had the funds. However, you aren't about to be mooching off of me, using my money for things that we haven't discussed, getting Botox or whatever this lady was doing. That's a NO. I hope that Leighton gets this all resolved, and gets her money.
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