Today, we have London-based singer/songwriter Mi'das! The artist got his start in music at the age of 12, after learning a bit from his brother who played piano and his uncle who played guitar. "I also began to sing at school assemblies when I was quite young and that gave me the performing bug," Mi'das said. He eventually went off to a music college and realized there that he wanted to pursue his own music full time. "The people and music I was exposed to at college were big first inspirations," the singer stated. "From there, it's never stopped, and I'm constantly gaining new tastes and perspectives on things."
Inspired by greats like Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles as well as Fiest and Everything Everything, Mi'das' own music brings soul and emotion that pulls listeners in. The singer just released his Stronger EP, which was the final part of his three-part Story So Far series (which also included EPs Glow and Grow). "I was in the process of wanting to my own album last year and couldn't fully decide on a direction at that point," Mi'das admitted. "That led me to thinking, 'Hang on a minute. I'll release the stuff in three EPs and see what people react to and what they like about what I do.'" In terms of Stronger, the singer calls it "the fullest soundest of the three," wanting to convey to listeners "some of the complexities in life we all come across at one point or another." Mi'das' favorite track on the project is "Too Little Too Late"(the music video for the song was featured on The Spotlight earlier in the week!). The singer feels captures what he's personally about as an artist. "I like music to be honest and soulful from a place, and also to say something," Mi'das stated. Check out Stronger below!
Currently, Mi'das has been working on new music and also working and writing with new artists. He has also been writing a bit with UK blues/soul artist Jo Harman, having actually produced and co-wrote most of her first album!
In terms of what makes him stands him out from other artists, Mi'das is focused on creating timeless music. "I'm interested in music being a craft. I'm not interested in what I call 'Fashion' music," the artist said. "My music is a unique, eclectic view on soulful music that's also influenced by folk elements." In the future, Mi'das wants to build up a loyal fan base and play to audiences in the UK and Europe. Hopefully this great talent gets across the pond to us over in the States and makes an impact here as well!
You can check out more from Mi'das on his official website, and check out more of his music on YouTube! You can also follow him on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
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