Tasha shows to see it blow up in her face. Melanie purposely gives her terrible seats. Tasha sees Reynaldo out and about with another women, and is in breach of his contract with Tasha, since she paid him for exclusivity in their sexcapades.
Back at his spot, Malik attempts to have a foursome with three of the models, but struggles to perform...down there. One of the girls tries to be deep and give him advice, telling him to dig deep inside himself and find out what is it that is keeping him from being able to fulfill.
As Tee Tee tries talks to a model back stage, Tasha comes up and tells him what happened with Reynaldo. Melanie overhears the conversation, and jokes about her being dumped yet again, and has security remove her from backstage. After she is escorted out, Reynaldo approaches her, and offers to fix the situation by smashing for free. Insulted, Tasha walks away.
Backstage, Melanie gets the models in order, Though the event is for charity, she's mainly worried about redemption and beating Tasha. As Jason requests a mike check for his solo (who came up with that brilliant idea???), the mikes are turned on. Tasha accidentally yells into the mike that she is officially done paying Reynaldo for sex, causing Tasha to be embarrassed and run out of the show. Melanie runs after her, attempting to comfort her. Tasha rejects it. Derwin ends up locking them both in the bathroom, trying to get them to reconcile.
Later, Malik goes to the rehab house, looking for Jenna, because he realizes that she's the reason why he can't respond to other women. He's in love with her. He doesn't want to mess things up with her, but wants to know if he should wait for her, or let it go. Jenna admits she wants to be with him, but realizes that it's unrealistic to ask him to wait, and gives him permission to "spread his wings," his legs or whatever else. Here's hoping that Jenna gets well soon, and Malik can finally have a stable relationship.
Still locked in the bathroom, Tasha states that Melanie thinks she's better than everybody else, while Melanie thinks that Tasha's just the typical mean girl. Tasha says that Melanie always has some excuse to justify her actions, like firing her, and calls her a b*tch. Melanie lets it out that Tasha is a condescending bully, and also a b*tch. Tasha slaps her, and Melanie slaps her back, and as Tasha takes off her earrings, Melanie takes off into the bathroom (because we ALL know Melanie can't fight, even Melanie!). Tasha says that this is just like her, that she's too afraid to admit her wrongs and runs away from her problems, which is why Melanie never apologized for what she's done to Tasha. It hit me at that moment, that WOW. Melanie never did say sorry, and that's all Tasha really wanted. Melanie realizes that as well, and breaks down into tears and admitting that she misses Tasha, and trying to apologize, though her sobs get in the way. Tasha sheds a few tears herself, and grabs Melanie in a hug, saying, "We ain't friends. We family. With family, you don't have to say it. You just gotta mean it." Finally the reunion I've been looking for!!! It's great to see them back together
Meanwhile, Malik goes back to the models after speaking to Jenna and is READY. In every sense of the word!
After the show, Melanie reenacts how the fashion show was supposed to go for Tasha, with their relationship fully restored. When Tasha tells Melanie, "Work it b*tch!," Melanie asks her to stop using the B-word. Tasha agrees, and comes up with a new term of endearment--ratchety dame! Oooookkk...if it works for them, I guess it's cool. I won't be using it anytime soon, but it's just nice to see them back being friends. All of this fighting back and forth was getting tiring to watch!
Next Game Day: Chardonnay and Jason have yet to have sex. Is that going to make Jason revert back to just white women? (Side note: Is that saying, BET, that white women are easy? I have to watch the episode to see how things play out, but if it looks like I'm right, I'm going in).
What was the name of the song, when Melanie was reacting the fashion show for Tasha.