Kris ended up accidentally dropping the ring. A regular Joe Schmoe, Omar Ahmad, recognized him as Mr. Kardashian and immediately got down on his hands and knees to help Kris look for the ring.
“Kris must have had to take off all his jewelry or it slipped off his finger,” Omar said, “He was freaking out and frantically looking for it yelling, ‘Where’s my ring?’”
Kris was traveling with two friends who didn't even bother to help him look! “They [his friends] just stood there, with looks on their faces like, ‘Oh sh-t! He lost his ring!’ He was crawling on his knees looking for it underneath the x-ray machine. No one was helping him and very few actually recognized him except for me. So I stepped in to help.” Omar continued.
After 10 minutes of crawling around on the floor they found the ring. Thank goodness. It's too early in the marriage to be having to replace rings...
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