Yesterday Steve Jobs, creator of all things Apple, passed away at the age of 56 from pancreatic cancer. Definitely a sad loss. In celebration of his life and career, here are some things about him that you probably didn't know. (Courtesy of Hollyscoop)
1. Steve dropped out of college. Seems like all the greats do. Though Steve started out at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, he dropped out after 6 months. About a year later, he co-founded Apple.
2. He was adopted. Steve's biological mom gave him up for adoption about a week after he was born. He was adopted by an Armenian couple Paul and Clara Hagopian. In the 90's he started the search for his long lost sister, whom he met when he was 27. His sister, Mona Simpson is an author and professor at UCLA.
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3. Steve was a Buddhist. In fact, because of his intense love of his religion, he almost thought about joining a monastery and becoming a monk. He was also married in a Buddhist tradition by a Zen monk who was his own personal guru.
4. He co-founded Pixar. In 1986, Steve purchased the animation studio, Pixar, for $5 million and gave the company another $5 million to experiment with animation. He also was one of the people behind the sale of Pixar to Disney about 20 years later.
5. He was actually fired from Apple. Steve created Apple at the age of 20 out of his parents' garage with his friend Steve Wozniak. After 10 years, he had a falling out with Wozniak and the board of directors sided with Wozniak, and Steve was fired from the company.
6. He didn't eat meat. Steve was actually a pescatarian, which means he ate fish but no other meat.
7. His net worth? $8.3 BILLION. Steve was number #39 on Forbes list of the Richest People in America in 2011. And rightly so!
Rest in peace, Steve. Thank you for your creativity and hard work!
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