Ok, so anyone that knows me, knows that I'm a huge fan of Jersey Shore. Like HUGE. I don't care what the naysayers have to say, that show is one of the most entertaining shows MTV has put on since The Real World. But that's just Brittany Shawnté's opinion. Well for all you Jersey Shore fans, Miss J-Woww is trying to be productive. According to OMG! Yahoo, Jenni Farley, known on the Shore as J-Woww, has apparently started a clothing line featuring clothes that she wore on the show, which mostly consisted of revealing tops made for the club. See more after the jump.
I went on J-Woww's website, to look at some of the clothes. Yeah, she has one top in like six different colors on there (See top below)

The clothing line is supposed to be Sexy Sophisticated. The sketches on the website are really amateur, and this is the only piece of clothing on there but hey, at least she's trying to do something with her life. I wonder what the Situation is doing...you know, besides partying and bartending in Baltimore at Mad River lol Go J-Woww!
~Brittany Shawnté
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