Hey readers...hope everything is great with you this Monday. I'm back at school doing the college thing (ehhhh...) but I'm definitely going to be trying to post entries as much as I can. Forgive me if a new post is not up every day. Between the blog, classes, school work, meetings and rehearsal, and possibly a job, I'M SWAMPED! LOL but I will still post when I can.
Well, I'm excited about this post! I just read from OMG! Yahoo that Glee has definitely been picked up for another fabulous season on FOX! I figured it would because the show definitely already has a good loyal fanbase, and it's incredible! Definitely one of a kind! If you haven't watched the show, I definitely recommend that you catch up on the first half of the first season. You have time. The second half of this season doesn't premiere until April 13, which breaks my heart because that's a long time to be without it! LOL I'm hooked as are many many people around the world and I know you will be too!
So to show those of you who don't watch how amazing the music is on this show, (the actors actually sing and are very very talented!) here are some videos of the music! For my faithful Glee fans, just a little something to tide you over til April! :)
~Brittany Shawnté
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