Back at her room, MJ is adamant about seeing
her face. Though Kara tells her to wait for the doctor, MJ eventually rips the paper towels off the mirror, and looks in shock. The doctor explains to her later that she will have even more bruising and swelling in the next few days. However, he's optimistic that she will heal nicely. While all of this is going on, the higher ups at SNC are trying to see how they can spin this so the network comes out looking good, especially since Mary Jane had some alcohol in her system.
Meanwhile, Lisa talks to Helen about how she wanted David to approve her decision to be honest with Mary Jane about what happened with them. Helen is understandably angry because Lisa could've been with any man! She considers Lisa and David to both be family, and for them to hurt MJ like this is unacceptable. Later, Mary Jane goes to try to apologize to Cecilia, who prefers to be called Cece. Cece seems nice and positive, since they both made it out alive.

The next day, Cece meets the SNC executives, getting some hush money. However, she states firmly
that she'll need more since she doesn't have medical insurance. This woman knows the game. She says that, since advertisers pay all of their salaries, they won't want to hear that their star anchor is an alcoholic or drunk driver! After this subtle threat, CeCe manages to snag $100K, with part of the deal being that she will have to sign a confidentiality agreement, which she agrees to.

Later that same night, Patrick brings Lisa to talk to Mary Jane. MJ angrily confronts her, "apologizing" for all of of Lisa's insecurities and that she's so angry and couldn't find a man of her own to love her, She even asks Lisa if they would really be friends if they met today, or have all these years of "friendship" just been out of obligation. Though Lisa wants to address the conversation Mary Jane overheard, MJ wants time and space to deal with the fact that she was betrayed. I understand her anger, I do. However, Mary Jane should've let David go a LONG time ago!

At the network, Mary Jane's boss Greg reveals that they want a female of color to replace Mary Jane for now, since the ratings dipped a bit. However, SNC won't commit to a time frame for MJ's return. When she talks with Arthur, he argues that the longer the fans wait, the greater the appetite will be for her to come back, especially with her "Ugly, Black Woman" piece still getting a lot of attention. MJ casually asks about the non-disclosure agreement with Cece, without admitting the blackmail. Arthur claims it will protect her regardless, but she isn't so sure. Meanwhile a representative from an agency representing Latinos meet with Greg, stating that Latino staff and reports on Latino staff are basically nonexistent at SNC. He would hate for the network to get an "F" in diversity on their public standings.

At MJ's, Kara admits that SNC is trying to hire a temporary replacement that looks like her. MJ is
freaking out, because she worked hard to get her position and doesn't want to lose it. She suggests finding an "ugly, black woman" to fill her spot, which is how SNC sees all women of color apparently. Ugly and interchangeable. If Kara pitches it right, Mary Jane believes the network can get amazing press on this while MJ waits to reclaim her throne. Later on we see though, that, instead of choosing an ugly, black woman (obviously), SNC hires a pretty Latina, Marisol Esparza, as MJ's replacement.
The next day, Tracy and Patrick go to D'Asia's game, along with Paul, Helen and Niecy. Tracy gets upset that people don't recognize her as D'Asia's mom, and feels like she doesn't belong. She starts to make a scene, but eventually leaves, after stating that both she and Patrick were addicts. I guess she feels some type of way now that Patrick is getting his life together.

That night, Patrick finally puts aside his pride to ask Paul to help him find a steady job so that he can be there for D'Asia regularly. Niecy gets upset though, because he wasn't there for her and their other sister like that. Niecy actually admired that independence that kept him away working at all hours, but they could've used the perfect father that he's now trying to be for D'Asia. However, she has to realize that he was in a different place in his life then.
The next day, Mary Jane takes Cece's advice, and boldly walks into the network. All glammed up, she busts into the meeting for PrimeTime ready to discuss the show, even casually moving Marisol from the head of the table! Mary Jane Paul is back!
Be sure to check out all new episodes of Being Mary Jane on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET only on BET!
Images via BET
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