visit Mayte to see Gia and clear the air between the two of them. Holding Gia, Jessica wonders if she wants to have another baby herself! Mayte says that it's hard being a single mom, but it's worth it. Jessica tells her that the adoption happened so fast, and comments again how she can't believe that a mother could part with her baby. Mayte tells her that she wants her to understand that this sacrifice can be the ultimate gift of love. Yes, Jessica can say things at the wrong time, but I don't think she means any ill will at all. With everything going on, Jessica tells Mayte that she would rather have had Mayte tell her herself that she was offended, rather than hearing through everybody else. Of course, Jessica's upset that Drea has been talking about her behind her back, and it's irritating. The one thing I will say about Jessica is that she has no problem voicing her opinion. Good, bad, or indifferent, she will tell you how she feels straight up, even though she does need to work on her filter. Drea is getting to be a little annoying to me this season.
Meanwhile, Shamicka goes to her doctor's for a check up. We find that she was diagnosed with lupus some time ago. The stress of everything, from her father's passing to just getting married around that time, really took a toll on her. However, her doctor praises her for changing her lifestyle to be able to deal with the disease. Though she felt that she wasn't completely supported, she's become more in tune with her body, and now pays attention to herself more to better manage her condition.
Later, Jessica and Nicole prepare for Jessica's Moroccan lingerie birthday party! It's really crazy, but it's Jessica, so what else can you expect?! The lingerie is crazy sexy, but maybe a little too sexy for them! While shopping, Jessica reveals that she broke up with her boyfriend, claiming that she's "too busy" for a boyfriend. However, she sees this party as a chance to mingle with some hot single guys. Jessica, if you're too busy for your man, why do you already want to go to another one? We can all see that she wasn't really feeling that guy, and probably still has feeling for Jose. I think they'll get back together soon enough. Jessica also says that even though she's still upset about Andrea talking so much smack about her, she still invited Drea to the party, as well.
The next day, Nicole and her daughters Bria and Shayne do a shoot for the No H8TE Campaign! Nicole looks gorgeous as always. Even though Bria and Shayne joke about being self-conscious since Nicole is a model, they're freaking gorgeous too! The pictures come out amazing for them! I love seeing them together. The mother-daughters dynamic is so strong between them!
Meanwhile, Mayte and Andrea go shopping and catch up. Mayte announces that tonight is Jessica's party, and Andrea got a text from Jessica to come. Mayte tells Drea that she and Jessica cleared the air, so she'll be there. Andrea still wants to keep her distance though. They're both confused on whether or not Andrea should go! Personally, if I'm not cool with someone, I'm not going to fake and go to their party like everything's all good between us. It's clear that Andrea is not cool with Jessica anymore, so there's no point in causing any unecessary tension or awkwardness at the party.
At the party that night, the venue, Jessica's friend's home, is very elegant and huge! Jessica asks Sheree if Drea is coming, and she says it's a small chance, but it's a chance nonetheless. However, even if Drea doesn't come, it's Jessica's day and she should enjoy it. At that moment, Drea texts Mayte to tell her she's not coming. Jessica wants to read the text, but Mayte and Sheree keep it away from her. Obviously, Drea said something that wasn't very nice, and the girls wanted to keep it away from her. Shamicka shows up, with her sweet little grandma nightgown on! She finally meets Mayte, and is very excited to get to know her. However, Shamicka has a little mink on her shoes, which gets Mayte upset since she is pro-animals and anti-fur! After that, Mayte seemed a little cold towards her. The girls spend some alone time with Jessica before the rest of the guests get there, sharing gifts and joking around. The rest of the guests come eventually, and everyone drinks and gets merry!
The next day, Drea goes to see Mayte. Mayte tells her that the party wasn't the same with her. There was no dancing, no hookah, or whatever. Drea admitted that it would've been crazy to come to Jessica's party acting like everything was cool. Mayte wants them to make peace, but sometimes you just can't. And that's okay. Not everybody's meant to be friends, even if you hang out in the same circle of women.
Meanwhile, Shamicka goes to see Nicole. She wants to show Nicole her juicing to get her vitamins and all. They talk about the party, with Shamicka admitting she didn't know what was going to go down with the ladies! All in all, she had a great time, minus the whole Mayte not liking her shoes thing. She's not giving those shoes up for ANYBODY, and I don't blame her!
Later, Sheree takes Mayte and Jessica fencing, which is something that was on her bucket list to do. The ladies put on protective gear, and take a class from a pro, fencing each other! Sheree beats Mayte, who runs away to not get hit! Jessica says that she wishes that Drea had come so that she could get some aggression out. That would've been entertaining to watch. A mess and a half, but entertaining nonetheless.
Mayte finally gets Jessica and Drea to come together to try to get over their issues. Jessica hates the tension and feels that Drea scrutinizes everything she does, while Andrea feels like Jessica doesn't watch her mouth. The conversation quickly escalates, as Jessica gets upset talking about how Andrea has been talking about her back. Point blank, if Andrea had an issue with her, she should've called Jessica to talk about it. However, Andrea tells her that she doesn't have an issue and she doesn't care! But Andrea, I have to say, if you don't have an issue with somebody, every other word out of your mouth is not going to revolve around them! Obviously it didn't go well. Jessica tells her that she will never trust Andrea, and she doesn't want to be friends with her, telling Drea to keep her name out of her mouth, which Andrea doesn't not respond well to. Drea feels like if she wants to talk about Jessica, she can, and she will. At that moment, Jessica got a text about Josie which sets Andrea off even more, since she feels like Jessica uses the "Josie texts" to get out of uncomfortable situations. Needless to say, the entire conversation went completely south, and it's clear that these ladies are no longer friends. Hopefully, they can both just move on, and stay away from each other where they can. Like I said before, not everybody's meant to be friends.
Check out new episodes of Hollywood Exes on Sundays at 9 p.m. ET only on VH1!
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Check out new episodes of Hollywood Exes on Sundays at 9 p.m. ET only on VH1!
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