Another Jerzday gone, meaning another recap from yours truly!
First and foremost, I want to send my condolences to all those who have lost others, homes, cars, etc., due to Hurricane Sandy. While the DMV area got hit with a little rain and wind, New Jersey and New York received the brunt of it. Seaside Heights was hit hard as well, with much of the Boardwalk being destroyed, and even the Shore Store took a big hit! The cast of the show offered statements of love and support to the place that has been their home for the past four years.
Picking up from last week, Jenni and Roger are still on the phone. She doesn't want to lose his relationship with him. Roger is not breaking up with her for the moment, but is still rather cold towards her. But they'll be fine! (As we all know, they're now ENGAGED!)
Later, Mike talks about Paula's changing because of her new relationship status. He doesn't like to be confined, but he's determined to make it work. However, he thinks she needs a little sprucing up, so he plans to shell out some funds to make her a 10 (Who says that??? The Situation.). Then we look up, and here's Paula at the Shore Store. SHE'S NEVER THERE! Seems like she's a little too excited about this relationship, and I can see that Mike is getting a little doubtful about their status and it's only been a day! The employees at the store even do a pool to see how long their relationship will last! Meanwhile, Danny gets Deena a prison jumpsuit to wear at work (appropriate yet inappropriate at the same time haha!)
The next day, Vinny and Pauly plan to prank Deena, because it's so fun for them to mess with her. After Sam and Deena go out to run errands, the guys go down to the Boardwalk and take beautiful pictures reenacting her relationship with Chris. The pictures are HILARIOUS! Then, they replace their pictures in her frames. They get back to the house, only to find out that Deena and Sam got back home early. Deena notices her pictures are missing, and goes to look for them. Pauly distracts her while Vinny puts their pictures in her room. She goes back to see them there, and everyone dies of laughter! Another perfect prank from Vinny and Pauly!
Later, Ronnie and Deena go play on the Boardwalk and drink (though Deena JUST got arrested for drunk dancing in the street last week). Drunk after a while, Deena starts talking about her and Chris, and their sex life, annoying Ronnie. Then the girl walks UP to a policeman and asks for a hug! However, she holds herself together until she gets back to the house. When they get back, everybody heads out to Karma. There, Roger surprises Jenni with all of her close friends from Rhode Island, and Jionni comes back to be with Snooki.
Meanwhile, Mike isn't acting like he has a girlfriend, as he's talking, flirting, and grinding with other chicks! A friend of Paula's walks up to him and calls him out! Later, a few more friends come up to him too! That girl has a good amount of spies out tonight! In the taxi, Ronnie tells Deena that she talks about herself too much and it's annoying him. That pisses Deena off, but the next morning, she's nice and sober, and gives Ronnie a hug for being a drunk mess.
Paula calls Mike that morning, and he doesn't tell her that anything happened. MVP go out for breakfast and Pauly and Vinny tell Mike that now that he's in a relationship, he can't do everything he used to do. It's different now that he has a title on him. Meanwhile, Pauly's stalker Vanessa is BACK! She's very, very creepy! She's been following him at least the past two years on the Shore, and it's getting kind of scary!
Meanwhile, Snooki tries to cook for Jionni. It's a major fail, with her calling her dad for advice. It doesn't help though. When Jionni comes over, he tells her that the meal tastes good, though it obviously doesn't. You don't want to upset your soon to be wifey/baby mom though! Jionni knows the game.
Back at the house, Ronnie, Sammi, and Deena go down to EJs and drink. Sammi and Ronnie end up leaving Deena at EJs to go home to get ready for Karma later. Later, Deena's mom calls and asks about her. Her mom is upset that Deena is down there drinking by herself. Deena enjoys herself and manages to make it home without getting arrested. She gets a call from her mother, who proceeds to yell at her for getting so drunk. She tells Deena to pack her bags because she's coming to get her. Deena calls her and tells her that she wants to go home. Through it all, she is crazy drunk, so who knows what she'll remember. Everybody tells her instead of coming to Karma, she needs to sleep it off. Ronnie and the guys make fun of her wanting to go home and crying all the time. The episode ends with Deena cussing out Ronnie for making fun of her, with her still seemingly being undecided about going home. This girl and her emotions are KILLING me!
Check out an all new episode of the FINAL SEASON of Jersey Shore next Thursday at 10 p.m ET only on MTV!
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