The scene switches to another love triangle between Scrappy, Erica, and Shay. Erica herself feels like Scrappy's "relationship" with Shay was a ploy to get her attention. Scrappy and Erica got back into a relationship after Erica took him in, but it didn't work for them. Erica constantly had her guard up because she was afraid to be hurt, and Scrappy wasn't understanding why he didn't get that love, so they broke up. However, Scrappy acknowledges that he still loves her. Of course, Momma Dee comes on the stage to defend her baby boy Scrappy, and even gives him this Burger King crown. She's concerned that Erica doesn't give her that love. She thinks that Shay will be more affectionate. Scrappy apologizes for lying to Shay and stringing her along, but states that he didn't give Erica a chance to express her affection. Eventually, Shay walks off stage, hurt. Scrappy breaks out an engagement ring on stage, and proposes to Erica. Personally, I wouldn't want to be proposed to on a reunion show, but Erica will take it any way she can get it.
Mona then brings Kirk and Rasheeda, K. Michelle, and Benzino and Karlie up on the stage. Mona asks about Benzino about his non-proposal to Karlie. Benzino himself wanted to be married, but he just couldn't. However, Karlie drops a bomb that nobody knew! She went over to his house the night of the non-proposal, and found a half-naked woman there saying that they're living together!!! What?! Then she gives Benzino a t-shirt for being a "polygamous" (albeit the wrong tense of the word, but sums the situation). Needless to say, the two are officially done, which I don't mind because their relationship was moving way too fast for me to want to keep up with anyway.
Meanwhile, Rasheeda and Kirk are doing good, and Rasheeda doesn't regret choosing him to stay on as her manager. Many brought up that it was about choosing love over her career. However, I don't agree. Rasheeda could have perfectly well been happy in her marriage, and happy in her career by choosing Deb as her manager. Therefore, next season, if she's in the same spot as she is now, I don't want to hear any complaints from her, because that's what she chose. I mean, let's be honest, just because she was on Love & Hip Hop, don't mean she's going to all of a sudden elevate to superstar-status. No diss, no shade, but if you had the opportunity to take your career to the next level, why wouldn't you? That doesn't mean that you're leaving love behind. If anything, a separation of love and hip hop would be good for their marriage. But hey, do you.
At the end of the episode, the whole cast joins the stage to wrap up, with everybody coming to some type of resolution about their issues, either moving forward with folks, or moving on. Overall, an entertaining reunion from a crazy ratchet cast. I love it! Mona also made the announcement that the original Love & Hip Hop will be making its comeback for Season 3 in January 2013! Of course, I'll be recapping (though I don't even know who all is going to be on now that Chrissy and Emily are gone). We'll see what happens.
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