The show follows five women--Mayte Garcia, Sheree Fletcher Jessica Canseco, Andrea Kelly, and Nicole Murphy--who were all married to big time celebs, and are now doing their own thing. Some are newer to divorce and still need time to sort things through, while others have been divorced for almost 20 years, and have been able to get past it. They all connect and relate to each other because of their similar circumstances.
The first episode of the show premiered online for viewers Monday, but I never watch premiere episodes early. I love to tweet with people while the show's going on. If you didn't know, I'm a social media addict (well, not literally before people get ideas), so I have to tweet and post pics on Instagram (onespotlight) and Tumblr. Anyway...on to the recap!
(L-R) Jessica Canseco, Mayte Garcia, Nicole Murphy, Andrea Kelly, Sheree Fletcher |
Andrea's good friend Nicole lives in L.A. She was married to comedian Eddie Murphy for 12 1/2 years and they have five kids together. They've been divorced now for six years. The former couple still has a good relationship as friends. However, Nicole found it hard to adjust to a different life after their divorce, especially when you have all of the different cars, maids, chefs, etc. But she's made it. She is now engaged to Michael Strahan who is a football player, and has her own fashion and jewelry lines. Nicole promised Andrea that she would introduce her to other celebrity exes in the area, so they can connect, so they're both really excited.
Sheree was married to actor/rapper Will Smith for three years in the early 90s and have now been divorced for 17 years. They met on the set of A Different World and married within 8 months of dating. She now thinks they were too young to have gotten married, but their relationship is good. Sheree is now remarried to Terrell Fletcher, a former football star who is a pastor now.
In the next scene, Nicole goes to Rafinity with Sheree to try on jewels. They've known each other for a long time because Will and Eddie are friends and hung out a lot together. So they've developed a great friendship.
Later, we meet Mayte, who was married to Prince. She met him when she was 16 and joined his band as a dancer. Since their divorce, they don't speak. Mayte lives with her mom Nelly, who stays in the guest house out back. They have five dogs, two cats, two fish, five birds, apparently two extra dogs, and a partridge in a pear tree. What do two women need with all of those animals?! But then again, you have women living with 27 cats and all. I just know I couldn't do it! Mayte now is trying to break into movies as an actress and wants a serious relationship.
Jessica is the ex-wife of Jose Canseco, a professional baseball player. She met Jose as a waitress in Cleveland, and they dated and eventually married, having one daughter Josie. After her divorce, Jessica broke into the cosmetic and medical tattooing business.
Later, Andrea and Tony finally get to L.A., are completely out of their element driving there. With so many lanes, there's still traffic, and she and Tony struggle to get to where they need to be. They joke and laugh about it all though, with Andrea saying she needs a driver to get her around! It's all too much for her!
Meanwhile, Nicole meets up with Jessica at the spa for vaginal rejuvenation which takes Nicole for surprise. Apparently it tightens everything down there, and smooths it out. Wow. Didn't know anything about it! Nicole watches as Jessica's crazy behind does it. I can tell that both Jessica and Andrea are the wild cards of the show, and I'll get the most entertainment from them!
Later, Mayte hires a matchmaker to find a man, and talks about her past relationships with Prince and Tommy Lee, who she broke it off with because he didn't want kids. and what she wants in a man now. The matchmaker stressed that it's important that a guy gets to know HER instead of being intrigued or intimidated just because she's dated big time celebs. However, she tells her that her house has to be date-ready, whatever that means.
After Jessica's rejuvenation, Nicole goes to lunch with Sheree to catch up and to talk about her drama in life. Apparently, she put money into a trust account and the money was depleted. Now she's suing a bunch of people at the bank she was with. She makes a point of wanting to fight regardless of if she'll win or not, just to show people that she won't be walked over!
Later, Nicole invites Andrea to hang out with the other ladies for dinner. Tony hears the conversation and wonders if it's a good idea. Andrea passes it off, saying they are grown women and it won't be any issues (throwing shade to shows like Basketball Wives in the process...I definitely caught that).
Meanwhile, Jessica and Jose meet for lunch as well. She is working to build a friendship with them, especially for their daughter. Apparently, Jose wrote a book that called out himself and other baseball players who took steriods (WHY??? Snitch.) and it ruined his career. Jose doesn't want to pursue his dream anymore, but would rather work on being a daughter to Josie, who's 15. He drops the news that he wants to move in with Jessica just to be parents for Josie. We find out also that Jose ain't paid child support in seven years, and she's let things slide since his career is off track. She wants to think about it first, but she definitely wants him around for Josie's sake.
At dinner later that night with all the ladies, everyone welcomes Andrea to L.A. They want to be there to support each other. Andrea hopes they like her and is nervous, but gets great reactions from the ladies. They ask how R. Kelly's reaction was to her leaving, which apparently was nonexistent. They give her advice to move past their divorce, and look at the good in their relationship. They talk about their exes and how they dealt with their problems, and really bond.
At the table, Jessica drops the news about Jose which gets negative reactions from everyone. They call it EX for a reason, because you're supposed to X them out of your life! However, I see Jessica's side as well, because she wants him to be around for his daughter, though I think that he could do that in an apartment of his own in L.A. Jessica invited Jose to join them at a party after dinner with other friends. The whole night, Jose stares at Jessica, even talking about her hot outfit, clearly still in love with her, and all of the ladies notice. Goodness.
Like I said, I was pleasantly surprised by this show! It's very classy and funny. Of course, there's bound to be drama, because...they're women. But I don't think it's anywhere near the level of disrespect that we've seen in other shows. For those who say that it's boring or won't watch or whatever, don't say anything when Basketball Wives continues to be on the air! Remember that, at the end of the day, VH1 is a BUSINESS, and they are going to put out shows that bring in the ratings. So support Hollywood Exes as well! Watch the show every Wednesday at 9 p.m. ET, and I'll be bringing the recaps. Episode 2 coming up in a little bit!
Images via VH1
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