Meanwhile, Melanie has left to interview at the Johns Hopkins D.C. campus and leaves Derwin a voicemail to let him know that she made it to the East Coast safe. However, Derwin is crazy bitter and alone. He ignores her voicemail and goes to a typical party with some of the guys complete with groupies to ease his obvious pain (we all know he isn't much of a party-goer or a drinker).
Later, Pookie surprises Tasha with dinner at her room and she finds herself (and her cupcake!) in a compromising position. Because he doesn't know about her celibacy, Pookie tries to be romantic and sensual, but Tasha pushes him away indirectly! She tries to get him to just watch a movie and even separates them with a pillow. He removes it and tries to cuddle close to her, but she acts distant, eventually going to lay down alone.
In the morning, Malik heads to the Sabers field for practice, only to find out that Derwin is already there...and has been there since he left the party. Derwin tries to play it off like he just really wants to be in top shape, but he just doesn't want to go home to an empty house. .
Later, the Cupcakes meet at Tasha's and Pookie comes in on the meeting, shocked that Tasha joined a celibacy group. However, he decides to join in.
At the Aqua Bar, Derwin has a few drinks, even though it's only two in the afternoon. Malik sits with him and Derwin reveals that he hasn't went hom since Melanie left. He's still mad that she's really gone, and Malik tries to say that women cause nothing but trouble. Derwin really takes time to reflect on the situation.
At Tasha's, the Cupcakes have an emotional meeting and Pookie steps in with his "Dr. Phil" perspective on this celibacy group. He makes an interesting statement that all of the ladies' hurt stems from misplaced anger towards men. It comes from their own insecurity, lack of self-esteem, and loneliness. He even goes in on Tasha, saying that she is scared of being hurt and jumps from one safe relationship that's not going anywhere to the next, but fears being with Pookie because she knows he has something real. She denies it though.
Finally, back at home, Derwin breaks down and calls Melanie. Accepting the fact that his boo is chasing her dreams now, he asks her all about D.C. and how she's doing.
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