Back at the house, Melanie books a ticket for a late flight into D.C. to start her residency at Johns Hopkins, so she can see Derwin's championship game. Derwin has a conversation with Melanie expressing how upset he is about her not coming, and he's upset about her flying back and forth into D.C. He tells her that if she can't be there for her completely, then be gone.
After Media Day, Jason gets a call from Kelly and talks to her about "relationships." I'm thinking that he is trying to get back with Kelly, because he later goes over to Chardonnay's house, and tells her he wants to break up. He apparently can't do it anymore, saying that he's not ready to be in a relationship like this. Jason gives her the annulment papers to end their Tijuana marriage, and leaves, leaving Chardonnay in disbelief.
The next day, Pookie takes care of Tasha who is still struggling from a stomachache from yesterday. She finds that Malik has gone missing on championship day. We learn that Malik has gone to pick up Jenna, who was released from rehab that same day. When sheep surround the car, Malik gets a call from his friend Margeaux, who is a side chick. Jenna goes off, and questions how many girls he's been with since rehab. She throws his phone and his keys in the field. The girl is crazy. Not only for the phone and the keys, but for freaking out about Margeaux. Let's go back some episodes, when she CLEARLY gave Malik permission to be with other girls while she was in rehab. Now that she's out, she's upset to find out that he actually did? I'm a female myself, and I don't understand us sometimes. Don't give your man your blessing to do something if you're really not for it in the first place.
Melanie comes to visit Tasha, trying to discuss her drama, but Tasha is not having it. Tasha questions why is she leaving the day of the championship? She tells her that just needs to be Derwin's wife. Tasha is worried enough about where Malik is anyway.
At the Aqua Bar, a rowdy customer bothers Chardonnay, ending with the manager firing her. She goes off, smashing drinks across the bar.
Back at Tasha's, Tasha tries to get up and go to the game, and Pookie tells her that she should probably rest. Tasha is freaking out because she can't find Malik, and throws up. Is it just a stomachache...or is it more?
At the airport, it seems Melanie has made her final decision on where she wants to be. All of a sudden, Rick Fox pops up and asks her why she isn't at the game.
Back in the field where Malik and Jenna are stranded, Malik looks for his keys and argues with Jenna some more. Jenna finds the keys and refuses to give them to Malik. While trying to wrestle the keys away from her, Malik is arrested by cops passing by, who think that he was abusing Jenna. Well. Guess the Sabers won't be taking the championship this year.
Next week is The Game's season finale, so be sure to check it out Tuesday at 10 p.m. only on BET!