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Malik and Tee Tee reminisce on the memories of the old house (the dinners, and the many parties haha) to Boyz II Men's classic "It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday." All this time, Malik had a pool, and never learned how to swim. He jumped in, and almost drowned. Tee Tee went in to save him, only for Malik to stand up in the water. We also see that Malik also bought a horse that he never rode, or even petted. It was the best laugh I've had yet!
Later, Chardonnay and Jason talk about the show. After talking to her, Jason accepts the fact that he has a co-anchor.
Melanie and Derwin get to Drop Bar, just for Melanie to irk Tasha, and of course Tasha gets irritated. It's like a competition of who's going to tip the best, and stay the longest. Derwin eventually leaves Melanie to her stupid game. Melanie and Tasha stay until closing time, each trying to be the last ones to leave. I just want them to be friends again, but I doubt that will happen soon. BET is going to stretch this drama with them for all it's worth.
Later, Malik tries to light the house on fire, because he doesn't want anyone to have it. He shares with Tee Tee that he had dreams since the third grade of moving out of the projects and having a great house for him and his mom, even showing a picture he drew back then. Now, in having to sell the house, he feels like he's letting that kid down. Tee Tee encourages him to rise from the ashes and move on to the next dream. He burns the drawing, instead of the house, determined to do just that.
Chardonnay and Jason have dinner, and talk about how Jason intends to handle being around a white female co-anchor. Chardonnay is very insecure about it, and Jason doesn't want to deal with it. He see her as his rock and ride or die, and Chardonnay feels like she doesn't have enough to be with him. She's very suspicious that Jason will get caught up in his new co-anchor (one because she's white, and two, she's very beautiful). However, Jason assures her that he wants to be with her, with Chardonnay assuring him that the show will be fine. I really like Brandy on this show. Her character works very well with Jason!
Next Game Day: Malik and Derwin bond over making fun of new quarterback Kwan, who make the Sabers lose a game.
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