These two dudes KILLED!!! Yall know that I'm in love with Wale, (he's really the main reason I even went) and have been for quite some time. That's my rapper husband right now lol (yall see him lookin dead at me in this pic??? lol) but I digress. Wale got the crowd mad hyped! Jumping off stage and into the crowd, doing the gogo swing! I was rocking for real! And he was legit doing a UStream from stage lol hope yall caught it! I was also really impressed with B.o.B. I don't listen to him like that, but his lyrics proved to me why I should. I could tell he has such a passion for music, and he's mad talented! Sings, raps, plays piano and guitar, and who knows what else! I still think that Wale should have been headliner instead of B.o.B. More of the fans knew Wale over B.o.B., but I know Towson picked B.o.B to headline cuz he's getting more attention and has more sales. He's good in my book though. Gonna sit and listen to his album tomorrow. are some pics from the concert! Vids will come a little bit later! Don't wanna have too much in one post! Enjoy after the jump :-)
Some dude named PlayBoy Tre. Maybe I need to get up on my music, but I never hear of him til tonight. Did a song with B.o.B though. Sooooo country lol but a good rapper.
LOVE OF MY MUSIC LIFE---WALE!!!!! This fool jumped in the crowd, like 3, 4 times. Got us all mad hyped!!!!
<--Swear that's his arm right there. He jumped right in front of me, and everybody was pushing and shoving. Tried to snap a pic...this was the closest I got LOL
He is sexy to me. Maybe it's his insightful lyrics or that swag (played out term, but until someone comes up with something better, that's all I got) and accent that D.C. and PG dudes have that just makes me swoon! I love him :-) Made my day to see him, and so close!!!! He was so close to me, I was tempted to hug him, but I ain't wanna be that girl, that groupie you know? Haha
Full shot of B.o.B and his band on stage
B.o.B's shoes were madddd hot!!!!! Had to snap a pic lol
B.o.B is an amazing musician. There's a difference. To be able to sing or rap is an amazing gift. But to be able to play instruments along with that, is INCREDIBLE. Ok, I need to listen to him (and J. Cole #random but true).
Vids later!!!!
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