Today marks the 9th anniversary of the late singer Aaliyah Haughton. Aaliyah passed away at the young age of 22 at the height of her career after her plane crashed shortly after take off in the Bahamas. Aaliyah had just finished shooting her video for "Rock The Boat." The other passengers killed in the crash were Scott Gallin, Keith Wallace, Douglas Kratz, Eric Foreman, Gina Smith, Christopher Maldonado, the pilot L. Marael, and Anthony Dodd. It was a very sad and tragic accident.
She is definitely one of my favorite singers of all time. She had style and grace. Her songs were beautiful. She really did tell stories through her music, which is lacking in a good amount of today's music. Really sweet and elegant young woman. I told my Twitfam that God gained a musical angel on this day in 2001. While her family, friends, those she worked with, and fans across the world mourn her loss, everyone can take joy in knowing that even for a short while, she made an impact while she walked this earth. Info about memorials set and Aaliyah's MTV Diary after the jump!
A movie about Aaliyah's life is in the works starring R&B singer Kesha Chanté, who does in fact look a good bit like Aaliyah. The movie, I heard, has not been authorized by the Haughton family. However, I know fans would love to see a movie detailing her life. I just hope Kesha does it justice. Or her career may die. Lol JK. Ehhh...not really. This is a big deal. So I know she must be feeling pressure. I wish her well.
Anywho, I decided to forgo showing her popular videos like One in a Million, or We Need A Resolution, videos that normally are played around this time. You can turn on the TV for that. MTV Jams or VH1 Soul are probably playing every video she ever made. That's overdone. Instead, I want you guys to listen to the playlist I've had up all week. I have a lot of her popular songs up, but a good amount of them are songs that weren't singles, but I still love and listen to. And below is Aaliyah's MTV Diary special, highlighting her life around the time of the release of her last studio album, Aaliyah.
For those of you in the NY area, there will be celebrations held all day. An Aaliyah Memorial will be held at Ferncliff Cemetery in Hartsdale, NY from 10am-9:30pm with a candlelight vigil, videos, and music. There will be another candlelight vigil at Aaliyah's Weeping Willow Tree in Central Park@7:30PM honoring her memory. There will also be an Aaliyah Memorial Party @ K-Lounge NYC, 52nd St between 5th & 6th Ave. Doors open at 9 p.m. Thanks to the official Aaliyah memorial Twitter for the info!
RIP Aaliyah Dana Haughton (January 16, 1979-August 25, 2001). You are greatly missed. Feel free to share your favorite Aaliyah memories....
Aaliyah's MTV Diary
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