Wow, it's hard to believe it's been a year already. A year ago today, we lost one of the greatest, if not THE greatest, artists of all time in Michael Jackson. Today, I just want to remember his music, and his legacy, not get bogged down in what's going on with his family, or any other issues. Matter of fact, I started my morning blasting his music as I rode into work. So here goes some of my favorite videos by him.
Watch the videos after the jump!
THE FULL THRILLER SHORT MOVIE-MICHAEL JACKSON Oh my goodness...swear the first time I saw this when I was a little kid, I was scared to death!!! Had a few nightmares, not gonna lie but I love it now!
WILL YOU BE THERE-MICHAEL JACKSON (FROM THE FREE WILLY SOUNDTRACK) Probably my favorite song by him...I know not one of his biggest hits, but the song is crazy beautiful...
THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT US-MICHAEL JACKSON This song has two music videos to it, but I chose the one shot in Brazil because I loved the spirit of the people that came out! This song is special to me, because it talks about the injustices of our system in America, injustices that I think people like to ignore. Shows how
YOU ROCK MY WORLD-MICHAEL JACKSON (from his 30th anniversary celebration) Swear I LOVED this performance! LMAO at Usher trying to dance circles around MJ, almost tripped him up! LOL all in a good time and respect, but boy you already know he got you beat!!! And Chris Tucker is a FOOL! LOL
Those are just a few of my favorite videos. I could go on and on. "Remember The Time," "Ease on Down the Road" with Diana Ross, and so many more songs. What's your favorite Michael Jackson song or memory? I have a bunch. One of the top was that anniversary celebration man. Seeing him and his brothers perform, even if it was only on TV, was exciting for me! This man gave his all in everything he did, and since he stepped on the scene, the music industry has never been the same. RIP Michael...you are surely missed.
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