Hey people, sorry for the delay in posts. School plus clubs plus no really interesting celeb news being out equals no posts on Spotlight for a couple of days.
However, I'm here right now to do a little advertising. There is a new blog at my school (yeah Greyhounds) called Loyola Looks (click the link to visit the site). It's a student run blog that focuses on the latest and hottest fashion across the world, and features our celebs, people around Baltimore, and students at Loyola University Maryland. So if you're into fashion, this would definitely be a great site for you to check out!
I'm in love with it already and it just launched this morning! The writers obviously have worked hard on it and the hard works shows! I will definitely be featuring this site every once in a while on the blog. Have to show some school pride, you know! Plus it's just a really hot site. It's new. It's fresh. It's Loyola Looks. So make sure you take a visit to the site!
~Brittany Shawnté
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