Ok, this may be seem kind of stupid, and I'm really not the one to celebrate "half anniversaries" like that, but it's officially been six months since I started In The Spotlight! Six months ago today, I was bored at work, and decided to do something somewhat productive with my time. So I decided to start a blog about entertainment news, celebrities, fashion, music, movies and all. You know, things that I'm really interested in. While it still has a long way to go, I never knew that Spotlight would get to the level it has. More important than the recognition is that this blog gives me the chance to do what I love, TO WRITE! As a budding entertainment journalist, I gotta start somewhere right? And Spotlight gives me that opportunity.
I'm seriously appreciative of all the feedback and all of the support of my followers and faithful readers. I really really could see this blog going somewhere, reaching a national level. Without yall, it would be nothing. So thanks for supporting me, and thanks for supporting the blog!
~Brittany Shawnté