Wow, so it's finally happening. I didn't think that MTV was ready, but I guess they are now. MTV is bringing the Real World to DC!!! I know this isn't specifically celebrity news. Then again, I guess the Real Worlders are kind of celebs not A-list but people know them to an extent...Anyways, the Real World is coming to DC!!! Above is their house located in Dupont Circle, Northwest DC (of course, because MTV was too scared to step one foot in Southeast!!! They couldn't handle it. Those of yall from the DMV, you know it's true lol) Of course, people have their reservations because The Real World is know for its fights, arguments, all that good stuff that makes The Real World one of the biggest reality TV shows out there. That's why it's still going on after 20+ seasons (DC will be the 23rd).
Whatever people's fears about the show possibly disrupting their daily lives, keeping them up at night, blah blah blah, I think it's cool. I mean think about it. DC is the nation's capital. MTV has already filmed Real World in a lot of the major cities in the States. You had to know that eventually it would be in DC. I was just waiting for it. All of yall that have a problem will be fine. Sure there will be some drama, some late nights or whatever, but think of it this way, they're only there for three months and then they leave. Then you can get back to your normal lives. It will probably be a little inconvenient at times but you will survive. It's gonna be cool to watch. Knowing me, being born in DC and spending quite an amount of time all over the city, I will probably be pointing at everything, saying I've been there!! There's the Washington Mall "I've been there!" The Real Worlders take the Metro around town "I TAKE THAT ALL THE TIME!!" Oh yall know that you will be the same way....
Note to the people that are going to go over there for attention, your little 3 1/2 minutes of fame: DON'T. If you were wanted, you would've been cast from the getgo. Just saying. WELCOME TO DC REAL WORLD!!!! That's season's about to be crazy!!!!
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