I watched this past Tuesday night and there's no way I couldn't comment on it.
There’s always been drama with the teen moms featured on MTV’s hit show 16 & Pregnant. Teen Mom’s (16 & Pregnant’s spinoff) Amber Portwood was arrested for battery against her baby Leah’s father Gary Shirley. That chick is crazy to me btw, and though I don't promote abuse, if I was Gary I would've slapped her back #ImJustSayin lol but I digress. Another controversy has surfaced with one of the teen mom’s featured on this past season of the show—Markai Durham.
Markai chose to have an abortion after becoming pregnant with her second baby with her boyfriend James. Her journey was featured on the MTV special No Easy Decision, after the 16 & Pregnant: Life After Labor season finale. She chose to do this special to bring to life the issue of abortion: the procedures, the emotions, everything involved behind it. With that decision came problems. Markai has been under attack since the news of the special came out, with many pro-lifers attacking her on her Facebook fan page.
Read more after the jump!
The special was definitely something highly anticipated by viewers. It was a first in 16 & Pregnant history, with the show never having shown the option of abortion. It began with showing Markai and James with their beautiful baby daughter Zakaria and their lives after 16 & Pregnant. They seemed to be living pretty well. The couple was living together with Zakaria in their own place and James had a job to support them all. Then the shocking news came that Markai was pregnant again. After talking with friends, her mom, and James, Markai made the difficult decision to abort the baby, realizing that she and James could not take care of this baby and Zakaria too.
After the short 15 minute clip of her actual journey, Markai joined James and Dr. Drew, who has been the host of 16 & Pregnant’s reunion specials, in a discussion. Two other women who also made the choice to abort sat down and talked with Markai and Dr. Drew about why they made the decision to abort, stating that it is not as easy to abort as people may think.
Markai wrote a note on her FB page earlier this week called “Open Your Eyes,” calling out all of her naysayers and defending her decision. “I never did it because I thought it was the right thing to do,” Markai wrote speaking of the abortion. “I did it because it was the BEST thing to do for my family.” The note further said that people should not judge her for her decision, and I agree. Coincidentally, I tweeted this yesterday, “Oh how quick we are to judge....u dont know what u would do in a situation until ur faced with it urself.” I am definitely pro-life, but I could not say what I would have done in this given situation. No one really can. Looking down on someone for their decisions is wrong and unnecessary.
Another thing to see is that abortion, and really teen pregnancy in general, is a topic that needs to be openly discussed. The show has gotten a lot of heat from viewers saying that 16 &; Pregnant and Teen Mom glorifies teen pregnancy. I say, it puts EVERYTHING in the spotlight. The good, the bad, and the downright ugly. Money problems. School problems. Baby daddy and family drama. And actually BEING A MOM. It’s all a blessing, because beautiful babies have come out of it all, but being a mom period is no easy task. At 16 years old, it’s even harder. Though I don't condone teen pregnancy, I can respect them, and I actually look forward to watching more of them.
Teen Mom 2 will premiere on MTV on January 11 of next year. New moms. New babies. New hardships. Watch the trailer below!
9:19:00 PM
Soooo...I was in love with a boy named Julito McCullum from off The Wire Season 4 lol He's now branched out into rap, going by J. Brice (J for Julito, Brice was his character Namond's last name). And he's doing pretty decent. Got his last mixtape, The Premiere, a while back, and he's pretty good.
He will be releasing his next mixtape, Ladies Only, as sort of a pre-Valentine's gift for the ladies I figure lol on February 1 of next year. He just released the album cover a few minutes ago. Love the wrap around the woman's leg lol Guess this album is gonna be hella sexy huh? Can't wait to hear :-) Follow J. Brice on Twitter
He will be releasing his next mixtape, Ladies Only, as sort of a pre-Valentine's gift for the ladies I figure lol on February 1 of next year. He just released the album cover a few minutes ago. Love the wrap around the woman's leg lol Guess this album is gonna be hella sexy huh? Can't wait to hear :-) Follow J. Brice on Twitter
3:14:00 PM
Morning yall. Hope everything's good. Starting off the day with some new music Alicia Keys dropped yesterday. "Speechless" with Miss E.V.E. A declaration of love to Swizzy or to new baby Egpyt. I love it. Real mellow jam...got me in a loving mood so I start the blog out with this simple song today :-)
"I used to know all the words to say. I used to write all the poetry. But now, you take my breath away."
"I used to know all the words to say. I used to write all the poetry. But now, you take my breath away."
6:11:00 AM

Got some sad news, though. I just found out Teena Marie passed away today at the age of 54. CNN has confirmed after hearing from her manager. It's sad to have to report news like this around the holidays. And although, I didn't rock with Teena like that, her success in the R&B world can't be denied. It's crazy how fast legends are leaving us, while we're left with.....well yall know.
RIP Teena. She will be missed. Keep her family and friends in your thoughts and prayers.
And I leave yall a song that I did actually like by her :-)
6:14:00 PM

Good afternoon everyone! Hope all is well!
I seriously love doing spotlights. Definitely has put me on to some artists, designers, labels, etc. that are killing out here, doing what they love. So I have another one for you all today. Fashion, again! Yeah, I'm branching out? Why, what's up?
Today, I have for you Miss Ashley Chin, an upcoming designer from Miami! The 18-year-old fashionista actually studied fashion merchandising in high school and fell more in love with the industry as time went on. "I've always enjoyed being around clothing, being creative and mixing up my styles," Ashley said.
Read more about Ashley and her designs after the jump!
Ashley has designed several t-shirts under her collection name, Dangerous Vintage (Hot name right?) She said of her line, "Dangerous Vintage is not just a clothing line to me. It’s a movement, a feeling, a love, a new face of fashion."
The tees she has designed so far include either the Dangerous Vintage name or a daily quote that Ashley loves to use. The cuts are definitely hot and sexy! I love this one! ===================>
Keep calm and carry on. Ha! I need that in my life...
As far as inspirations, Ashley draws from legendary designer Coco Chanel, as well as the work from Juicy Couture and even Miss Lauren Conrad (Love her, miss The Hills). Her biggest inspiration by far, however, is her mom, who Ashley said has had a huge impact on her fashion and her life. "She gives me the balance and support I need to stay on top and work hard, to give people what they want and meet their moods," Ashley said.
Consider the t-shirts just an introduction for Ashley and Dangerous Vintage! The designer is currently finishing up a full collection for 2011! She will also be attending Paul Mitchell Cosmetology School in March, and dreams of branching out into the fashion/makeup world.
When asked about her love for fashion, Ashley said that fashion is a way to tell a story or showcase a mood. "When I wake up in the morning, I dress and do my hair and makeup according to the mood I'm in , so I would [definitely] say fashion shows an expression," she stated.
This girl has big goals for herself and hopes to make an impact with fashion. "To be honest," Ashley said, "I just want to open more doors for young girls like myself andlet them know that anything is possible. You just have to aim for it."
Check out more of Ashley's tees below. And follow her on Twitter, as well as Dangerous Vintage's official Twitter. You can also connect with Ashley and get more updates on Dangerous V on her blog!
"I'm glad to be apart of something that expands everyday. Fashion will never die. It grows everyday." -A.C.
"I hope that my clothing line eventually will be a inspiration and cause a new face for fashion" -A.C.
11:52:00 AM
Morning yall! I'm on break now, and I'm back to Spotlight! I'm trying to step my game up here! BTW, I want you all to check out my friends' blogs too! Check out Say Something, Ella Thought, and The Wacko Monologues. All three of these bloggers I have secretly admired for their honesty and wisdom, though they're only a few years older than me. They're awesome :-)
Anywho, back to my post. Woke up this morning to the news of actress Ali Larter, known for her role as Lisa on Obsessed alongside Beyoncé and Idris Elba and on Heroes, has FINALLY had her baby with husband and fellow actor Hayes MacArthur. The couple gave the news exclusively to UsMagazine.com.
The baby, Theodore Hayes MacArthur, was born Monday in LA. "He's our perfect Christmas present," the new parents said.
Awww....congrats! Babies are such a blessing! :-)
Anywho, back to my post. Woke up this morning to the news of actress Ali Larter, known for her role as Lisa on Obsessed alongside Beyoncé and Idris Elba and on Heroes, has FINALLY had her baby with husband and fellow actor Hayes MacArthur. The couple gave the news exclusively to UsMagazine.com.
The baby, Theodore Hayes MacArthur, was born Monday in LA. "He's our perfect Christmas present," the new parents said.
Awww....congrats! Babies are such a blessing! :-)
6:29:00 AM
I'm starting to love the Kardashians! My friend Gigi got me hooked on the show. Khloe K. posted their annual Christmas Card, with the whole Kardashian-Jenner crew on her blog! It was a gothic theme, absolutely nothing to do with Christmas, but they look fly! And baby Mason looks too adorable!!!
Say what you will. I love em.
Say what you will. I love em.
12:29:00 PM
LOL Afternoon people! I saw this video and I just had to share!
I was reading MajicATL just now, and I saw this story. Apparently, last night at Diddy and Dirty Money's album release party for their album Last Train To Paris, comedian Kevin Hart was chilling with Trey Songz and Fabolous at the London Hotel in NY. The three were in a bathroom surrounded by models in bikinis. One girl is in a hot tub surrounded by candles, and well....yeah. Her weave catches fire. LOL I couldn't help but laugh, though. Probably not right to, but oh well because what are you all doing in there with candles all around the tub anyway?! And notice how calm Trey was haha. Check the video yourself below!
I was reading MajicATL just now, and I saw this story. Apparently, last night at Diddy and Dirty Money's album release party for their album Last Train To Paris, comedian Kevin Hart was chilling with Trey Songz and Fabolous at the London Hotel in NY. The three were in a bathroom surrounded by models in bikinis. One girl is in a hot tub surrounded by candles, and well....yeah. Her weave catches fire. LOL I couldn't help but laugh, though. Probably not right to, but oh well because what are you all doing in there with candles all around the tub anyway?! And notice how calm Trey was haha. Check the video yourself below!
12:14:00 PM
Hey yall, hope all is well. Like I said, I've been busy putting in work on final projects and studying. Finals week at Loyola University is no joke. So I've disappeared, but I'm here for today lol. I have a spotlight on an artist that I should have done a looooonnnnggg while ago.
Hailing from the West Coast, we have AJ Johnson, aka J Boo Tha Bully. Read more about this upcoming rapper after the jump!
This 29-year-old rapper got his first taste of music at an early age. His mother and father were both involved in music. J Boo's mom sang back up on a song by singer Betty Wright, entitled "Winter, Summer, Spring, and Fall," that was later rerecorded by legendary singer Al Green. His father was in a band coming up that was the originators of "Caribbean Queen," that was taken by Billy Ocean (Smh wow.) J Boo's father used to have J Boo and his brothers sing and dance in little groups like the mini Jackson Five or the Temps lol. J Boo admitted that music has always been his dream.
Of course, his mom and dad served as musical inspirations for him, but he is also inspired by greats like James Brown, Prince, LL Cool J, Michael Jackson, George Clinton, Zapp and Roger, Tupac, Rahkim, Ice Cube, N.W.A, Morris Day, Bootsy Collins, and Eazy E. "These artists really put on shows They really had a love and passion for the music and they made you feel it and see it," J Boo said. "I would love to have shows and perform like them anytime...You got a lot from their music. It spoke to you in a way that I feel like is not happening today." Tell me about it.
Presently an indie artist, J Boo Tha Bully has been putting in serious work in the game. He's produced tracks for the YoungBloodZ, Renegade Foxx, and Petey Pablo. He also has four solo projects out online and in stores. He is currently working with rapper Bohagon on some music now as well. Bohagon and J Boo have a single released online entitled, "Money Talks," which you can listen to below. It’s the first single off the mixtape they are releasing. "I try and stay busy," J Boo said. He also has a Southeastern tour set for the beginning of the year. He is also working on videos for some of the songs he has released.
When asked what makes him different from other artists out now, J Boo said that he's not made up. He's just him. "I really come from the streets. I still have morals and loyalty to my true family and friends. I also create music of the feeling, not what’s hot or trending at the time to sell a record. I’m me no matter what." he said. That's what's up. I could go into a spiel on how artits have made that switch to the mainstream, but that's another story for another time. All I know is that I appreciate artists that don't become something they're not just to impress audiences.
J Boo Tha Bully has a great passion and drive for music. "The love for music and people that like it keep me in this," he said. "I can really do this until I die, simple. It’s like why quit on something you know is there?" Word. You can check out more of J Boo Tha Bully's music on YouTube, iTunes, as well as CD Baby, and TheZenutz.com.
Listen to "Money Talks" below!
"Money Talks"-J Boo Tha Bully
Hailing from the West Coast, we have AJ Johnson, aka J Boo Tha Bully. Read more about this upcoming rapper after the jump!
This 29-year-old rapper got his first taste of music at an early age. His mother and father were both involved in music. J Boo's mom sang back up on a song by singer Betty Wright, entitled "Winter, Summer, Spring, and Fall," that was later rerecorded by legendary singer Al Green. His father was in a band coming up that was the originators of "Caribbean Queen," that was taken by Billy Ocean (Smh wow.) J Boo's father used to have J Boo and his brothers sing and dance in little groups like the mini Jackson Five or the Temps lol. J Boo admitted that music has always been his dream.
Of course, his mom and dad served as musical inspirations for him, but he is also inspired by greats like James Brown, Prince, LL Cool J, Michael Jackson, George Clinton, Zapp and Roger, Tupac, Rahkim, Ice Cube, N.W.A, Morris Day, Bootsy Collins, and Eazy E. "These artists really put on shows They really had a love and passion for the music and they made you feel it and see it," J Boo said. "I would love to have shows and perform like them anytime...You got a lot from their music. It spoke to you in a way that I feel like is not happening today." Tell me about it.
Presently an indie artist, J Boo Tha Bully has been putting in serious work in the game. He's produced tracks for the YoungBloodZ, Renegade Foxx, and Petey Pablo. He also has four solo projects out online and in stores. He is currently working with rapper Bohagon on some music now as well. Bohagon and J Boo have a single released online entitled, "Money Talks," which you can listen to below. It’s the first single off the mixtape they are releasing. "I try and stay busy," J Boo said. He also has a Southeastern tour set for the beginning of the year. He is also working on videos for some of the songs he has released.
When asked what makes him different from other artists out now, J Boo said that he's not made up. He's just him. "I really come from the streets. I still have morals and loyalty to my true family and friends. I also create music of the feeling, not what’s hot or trending at the time to sell a record. I’m me no matter what." he said. That's what's up. I could go into a spiel on how artits have made that switch to the mainstream, but that's another story for another time. All I know is that I appreciate artists that don't become something they're not just to impress audiences.
J Boo Tha Bully has a great passion and drive for music. "The love for music and people that like it keep me in this," he said. "I can really do this until I die, simple. It’s like why quit on something you know is there?" Word. You can check out more of J Boo Tha Bully's music on YouTube, iTunes, as well as CD Baby, and TheZenutz.com.
Listen to "Money Talks" below!
"Money Talks"-J Boo Tha Bully
12:34:00 PM

The video features clips of course, of the late King of Pop at the top of the music empire. According to SingersRoom, It was directed by Mark Pellington and was filmed in California. "The video is a tribute to all that Michael stands for -- life, in all its permutations...love, and its power.... A video of memory, healing and joy," the director said in a statement.
Watch the video for "Hold My Hand" below!
8:49:00 AM
Hello, good morning! Hope everything is well with yall. I'm...alive lol. Being at Loyola is wearing me down for several different reasons, but it's all good. I'm still blessed to see another day. Last day of classes is tomorrow, then finals, then it's out of Baltimore and back to PG County! Too excited to go home...
I have another spotlight to do today. I present to you Young Truth! An upcoming rapper who grew up in Harlem, William McMillan was exposed to the street life early on, around dealing and gangs. "From that very point, I knew I wanted to break the chain and be different, so I began to separate myself from negativity," the 22 year old rapper said. Read more about Young Truth after the jump!
After seeing his cousin rap, Young Truth approached him with a rhyme of his own. He received positive feedback, and has been rolling on the music path ever since. "I knew music was for me when I started to wake up in the morning and the first thing I though about after God was music. Music became my life, became my tool to met new faces. [It] helped me grow as a person," Young Truth admitted.
The rapper has been featured on different mixtapes, and has released two of his own, Truthfully Speaking, and It's My Turn Vol 1. He also has a single out right now called "Freak Me Baby," which is about...well yall can infer that from the title LOL but it's a hot, upbeat song.
He's not currently signed, but as I've learned without even being in the business, sometimes that's better for an artist to hold to their creativity and independence. Young Truth admitted the same. "Being an independent artist is best because the Artist doesn't have too many hands in their pockets," he said. "I'd rather grind it out independently until a label who's interested shows me they can do better than what I do alone." TRUTH.
When asked who his greatest inspiration was, Young Truth gave honor to his mother. She raised him as a single parent, and although times were hard, Young Truth noted that his mom always kept a smile on her face and worked hard to get to where she wanted to be. "She kept faith and ambition. Got her GED and from there she went to college," he said. "Now, she has a degree in business in accounting. That showed me anything can happen with faith."
As always I ask the artists I have the privilege to interview what makes them different from other artists out now. Young Truth said his style. "I try to treat every record like a conversation. I believe when someone listen to me they'll sense my character and that's what I want them to do," he stated. "I touch day to day topics in my music whether it's relationships, the streets, or simple fun. I want my listeners to know I'm no different from them and I feel a lot of artist don't do that." Jay-Z, Kanye, Eminem, and Lil Wayne are just a few rappers in the game whose lyrical ability and hustle inspires Young Truth.
Young Truth is fighting to make a name for himself in rap. His family and fans are what keeps him going. "I have a whole lot of people who actually believe in me," the rapper admitted. "I can't let them down but most of all I can not let myself down. I just keep God first and the the magic in. History will eventually be made." I know the feeling. This rapper has a lot of potential and great flow and lyrics. You can follow Young Truth on his Twitter, @YoungTruthIsMe.
You can download his two mixtapes by clicking on their links above, as well as listen to "Freak Me Baby" below!
"Freak Me Baby"-Young Truth
8:06:00 AM
Hey hey all, hope all is well this Tuesday morning. Not gonna lie, struggling to maintain the blog and school once again. Finals at Loyola are next week, so if I disappear (I'm gonna try my best not to) don't be surprised.
Sooo....I definitely didn't know B.o.B was releasing a mixtape today! I'm new on his train, but I really like him! Ever since that concert over at Towson. He's really good! Listen and download his official mixtape No Genre below!!!!
Sooo....I definitely didn't know B.o.B was releasing a mixtape today! I'm new on his train, but I really like him! Ever since that concert over at Towson. He's really good! Listen and download his official mixtape No Genre below!!!!
8:20:00 AM

Today, I'm excited to present Miss Laudy, an upcoming designer, who I had the pleasure to talk to and look at one of her designs. First designer ever on In The Spotlight! Hand clap for branching out! Read more about Laudy after the jump!

I'm Alisha. I go by the name of Leesha or Laudy (pronounced Lodi). I'm from Lauderhill, Florida, and I'm 19 years old.
* How did you get started in fashion? Was it always a passion?
I actually started earlier this year. I knew it was always for me; it just came down to me being dedicated to it. I've always loved fashion but no one would have ever thought LOL
* Is there any designers out there that you draw inspiration from?
I actually have my eye on a few designers that are absolutely dope to me. To name a few, I would have to go with Vashtie Kola, Nina Ricci, Sheila Rashid, Beau.coup
* Has there been anybody in your personal life that has had an impact on your fashion?
YES! Most def! MY MOTHER!! She has had a tremendous impact on it, just by watching her do her thing with her fashion shows, events, interviews and all. It motivates me to the fullest. She is a swimwear designer. [Her line] is called VIP Swimwear and honestly, her swimwear is the NEXT best thing. Can't wait for her to expand in that department.
* What was your inspiration behind the dress that you designed?

* What other work have you done/are working on besides the dress?
I'm working on major projects with a fellow upcoming designer, Ashley Chin. as well as some shoots until my release date early 2011. I won't give too much away but I do have more sketches/designs...just won't be revealed as of yet =)
* What plans do you have in the future to continue your designing? Where do you see yourself in the future? Pursuing fashion full time or is it just a side thing?
As of now, I'm doing so much at once, so I'm just taking it one day at a time. I'm enrolled in college right now, 2nd year. But in the near future, fashion will be a FULL TIME thing for me. I have big plans for my line and can't wait for the world to see...I see myself being SUCCESSFUL in the future.
* What do you love so much about fashion?
I'm in love with fashion AND style: DIFFERENCE. I feel like style defines who you are alone and fashion is more of a year to year trend, which is cool. I love them both. It is a way of expression to me, as well as one of my main stress relievers. Fashion to me is a part of life and LOVE. It's a way to tell you apart from everyone around you and it's a form of art. How different you get with it or even how simple you remain, it paints a picture that everyone tends to judge- good and bad. And that's what I love about it too. I think everyone that's into fashion and/or style, kind of feels the same way about it only because it's the truth.
* What keeps you going in pursuit of this dream?
My friends and my mom. I watch them making moves, creating a name for themselves. I feel like it's a must that I do the same. I only surround myself around "somebodies" because being a nobody gets you NOWHERE in life. I can't afford to waste any more time..I have talent that no one including my friends were aware of. It's time for me to be seen.
And that you will Miss Laudy! She has great potential to make in the fashion industry. She promised to keep me updated on other designs she puts out for publicity, so be on the lookout!
12:22:00 PM
It's Wednesday and World AIDS Day! Several of our celebrities have been digitally killed on Twitter lol for a serious cause: to raise money and awareness for HIV/AIDS. You can go to BuyLife.org or research other websites and donate money towards education on the virus! And get yourself tested!
I need the week to keep on keeping on! I'm officially counting down til I leave Loyola (7 more days of classes, 19 days til I actually leave LOL). So I'm focused on school and the blog right now. Working on a good number of spotlights on upcoming artists. Even have a rising designer for yall to look forward to so be on the lookout!
Today, I'm doing a review. Which I rarely do. The only one I did before this was my short critique on Chris Brown's Graffiti and Rihanna's Rated R (in favor of Chris, still love RiRi though). Today, I'm doing a review on upcoming rapper Supreme General's EP, The Supremacy, which he released last week. Read more after the jump!
This six-track EP has definite fire all throughout. Supreme boldly starts and stands his ground as a rapper with the first track "The Supreme General." "I'm the Supreme General / There is no chance of survival / I'm out here killin' 'em," the main chorus says. You can tell from this intro track that this is Supreme's passion and he's gonna reign supreme over the competition. Respect the hustle.
"I'm a G" is also a track that stands out on this EP. Supreme speaks of getting respect in the streets. Again, nobody can touch him. He's a beast, so haters and nonbelievers can fall back! "Stacks" was also a powerful song, very open and real about hustling in the streets. You do what you gotta do to take care of your own. That's why I can't judge anybody that makes their money dealing or stripping, what have you. I'm not saying everybody jump on board to the dope life, but you do what you gotta do to survive. Life is like that...
The Supremacy EP also features songs "Puffin' on That Good Sh*t," "Money Talks," and the final track "Supreme Dreamin," in which Supreme recognizes he has dreams of something more, really making a name for himself in the rap game. All in all, a great EP! Real and honest, you definitely want to pick this up! You can buy The Supremacy on iTunes now! The full album comes out Friday!!! Support real artists!!!!
I need the week to keep on keeping on! I'm officially counting down til I leave Loyola (7 more days of classes, 19 days til I actually leave LOL). So I'm focused on school and the blog right now. Working on a good number of spotlights on upcoming artists. Even have a rising designer for yall to look forward to so be on the lookout!
Today, I'm doing a review. Which I rarely do. The only one I did before this was my short critique on Chris Brown's Graffiti and Rihanna's Rated R (in favor of Chris, still love RiRi though). Today, I'm doing a review on upcoming rapper Supreme General's EP, The Supremacy, which he released last week. Read more after the jump!
This six-track EP has definite fire all throughout. Supreme boldly starts and stands his ground as a rapper with the first track "The Supreme General." "I'm the Supreme General / There is no chance of survival / I'm out here killin' 'em," the main chorus says. You can tell from this intro track that this is Supreme's passion and he's gonna reign supreme over the competition. Respect the hustle.
"I'm a G" is also a track that stands out on this EP. Supreme speaks of getting respect in the streets. Again, nobody can touch him. He's a beast, so haters and nonbelievers can fall back! "Stacks" was also a powerful song, very open and real about hustling in the streets. You do what you gotta do to take care of your own. That's why I can't judge anybody that makes their money dealing or stripping, what have you. I'm not saying everybody jump on board to the dope life, but you do what you gotta do to survive. Life is like that...
The Supremacy EP also features songs "Puffin' on That Good Sh*t," "Money Talks," and the final track "Supreme Dreamin," in which Supreme recognizes he has dreams of something more, really making a name for himself in the rap game. All in all, a great EP! Real and honest, you definitely want to pick this up! You can buy The Supremacy on iTunes now! The full album comes out Friday!!! Support real artists!!!!
11:37:00 AM
I'm back. Hiatus, I know. But I'm here! Happy Monday :)
Kim Kardashian is dead, says her new ad.
According to OMG! Yahoo, Kim's new ad is to raise awareness for World AIDS Day which is Wednesday Dec. 1. "Kim Kardashian Is Dead," the ad reads, explaining that she has sacrificed her digital life "to give real life to millions of others affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa and India. Visit BuyLife.org or text ‘KIM’ to ‘90999’ to buy her life now."
Other stars like Lady Gaga and Justin Timberlake are participating in the Digital Life Sacrifice event, in which they are quitting Twitter and Facebook until $1 million is raised for those in Africa suffering from this disease.
The event is organized by Alicia Keys. I think it's a great and creative idea to raise money for a great cause. Kudos Miss Keys and everybody else participating. Go to BuyLife.org now to donate to those affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa.
6:19:00 AM

Ne-Yo was at a charity event for his foundation when word reached him that Monyetta had went into labor. He did make it to the hospital for the birth. Both baby and mommy are fine according to Ne-Yo's reps.
Ne-Yo has another due date to look forward to! His brand new album, Libra Scale, will hit stores Nov. 22. I'm too excited!!!!
6:00:00 AM
Hey hey everyone. I know I said this week was my self-proclaimed "Get My Life Together Week" (see last post below). And I have been. I've been meditating a lot about my life, on things that I always say I need to work on, but never do. A passing of a friend at my church shook me up. I'm focused on living my life to the fullest, just like he did in his short 17 years of life {RIP DeAndre...we miss you <3}
But on to the post for today. I am proud to spotlight another artist. Been promising him this forever lol I need to get on my stuff. Hailing from Dallas, we got Jarrel Needum, aka B.E.Z. (prounounced "Be Easy" not bez lol). This 21 year old has been doing music since he was 8. He started playing drums at church, and then eventually picked up producing at the age of 14. I'd say I realized music was for me when I started producing," B.E.Z. says."Everything came so natural to me. Music has always been my dream. I love it." Though he says he is a producer first, he is branching out into "the artist realm." Read more after the jump.
Like I said, B.E.Z. is a producer first. He's produced tracks on rapper Ni Taylor's "Take No Prisoners," Braysonic's "Sonic Boom," and J. Rhodes' "The Talented Mr. Rhodes." Other artists include The Jett, Supa, Dre Hitz, Lewis Contra, Starr K, Cris Cash, amongst many others. He is currently working on releasing his EP Extraordinary Gentleman in December.
Currently, B.E.Z is not officially signed to a label, but he works closely with 80's Baby Entertainment in Dallas. "I'm working towards being signed, but not being owned. If I EVER sign, it'll have to be a contract to where I have complete control of my project," B.E.Z. said. Completely understand. Artists ought to be able to have control over their work, but it doesn't happen as much on a major label, especially not when you first sign.
When asked about his greatest inspiration, B.E.Z. says he draws inspiration from everywhere. "I just go with what speaks to me at the time," he admits. He wants to make his own mark in music, "but when it''s all said and done, I wanna mean to music what Quincy Jones, Issac Hayes, Dr Dre, mean to music," B.E.Z. says. He is different from other artists in that he makes his own beats. "I'm [also] versatile when it comes to ideas as far as lyrical content, and I try and branch into every type of genre of music," he continues. When asked what keeps him going in his pursuit of music, B.E.Z. says, "I would have to say the love that I have for music keeps me going. It's my passion."
Check out his song, "I'm A Star" below!
2:26:00 PM
Morning yall....Happy Monday. This week is "Get My Life Together Week." Emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and academically. Oh, and journalistically (which is a word despite what Firefox says). As you have seen, I haven't written on here in a while, and I'm sorry :( This past week was not a good one, and honestly, Spotlight was one of the last things on my mind. But I'm back, and here is the spotlight on KaPo Mann. Read more after the jump!
Born in Jamaica and raised in Miami, KaPo Mann is an upcoming rapper. "Life [in Miami] was fast paced...South Beach was cool," KaPo said of his area. He was always around music growing up, even playing the trumpet in middle school. Although sports was his main thing, he began rapping over other artists' songs for the fun of it, and began taking the game seriously.
His mixtape The Southwest M.D. dropped in 2008, and he has also released Seen Alotta Faces with DJ Knight and Flame Up with DJ Anonymous KaPo is presently working on Seen Alotta Faces Vol. 2 which he said should be out late January. "My dream [is] to become the hottest mixtape artist in Florida," he said.
Music obviously has a great impact on KaPo, and serves as an outlet for him. "I like to get what's on my mind of my chest sometimes and that feels better than anything," he said. His friends serve as inspiration to him, some feeling his music and others not, inspiring him to push forward and make better music. T.I. (I love him!), 50 Cent, Fabolous, and Cam'Ron are some of KaPo's biggest musical influences.
When asked what makes him different from other artists, KaPo believes he's different because he sounds like himself, instead of trying to imitate another rapper. "I've done a lot in my life...good and bad so i have a lot to touch on," he said. As of now, KaPo is not signed to a label, still creating that buzz around his music. However, he wouldn't mind being an indie artist. "If show money is good I could stay as an independent artist because I love music naturally and like my own creativity," he admitted. He keeps going in pursuit of music. "This is something I wanna do, I can do, and even if I don't make it I still will make music," KaPo said. Definitely seems to be an artist with drive and plenty of potential! You can listen to more of Kapo on his ReverbNation page! Check out his video for "Flame Up" below!
Born in Jamaica and raised in Miami, KaPo Mann is an upcoming rapper. "Life [in Miami] was fast paced...South Beach was cool," KaPo said of his area. He was always around music growing up, even playing the trumpet in middle school. Although sports was his main thing, he began rapping over other artists' songs for the fun of it, and began taking the game seriously.
His mixtape The Southwest M.D. dropped in 2008, and he has also released Seen Alotta Faces with DJ Knight and Flame Up with DJ Anonymous KaPo is presently working on Seen Alotta Faces Vol. 2 which he said should be out late January. "My dream [is] to become the hottest mixtape artist in Florida," he said.
Music obviously has a great impact on KaPo, and serves as an outlet for him. "I like to get what's on my mind of my chest sometimes and that feels better than anything," he said. His friends serve as inspiration to him, some feeling his music and others not, inspiring him to push forward and make better music. T.I. (I love him!), 50 Cent, Fabolous, and Cam'Ron are some of KaPo's biggest musical influences.
When asked what makes him different from other artists, KaPo believes he's different because he sounds like himself, instead of trying to imitate another rapper. "I've done a lot in my life...good and bad so i have a lot to touch on," he said. As of now, KaPo is not signed to a label, still creating that buzz around his music. However, he wouldn't mind being an indie artist. "If show money is good I could stay as an independent artist because I love music naturally and like my own creativity," he admitted. He keeps going in pursuit of music. "This is something I wanna do, I can do, and even if I don't make it I still will make music," KaPo said. Definitely seems to be an artist with drive and plenty of potential! You can listen to more of Kapo on his ReverbNation page! Check out his video for "Flame Up" below!
11:21:00 AM
Afternoon everyone! As you see, I've been slacking for the umpteenth time on the blog! Can I say again how ready I am to leave Loyola and get my career started?! Anyways, I want to apologize to the upcoming artists that I have interviewed and haven't gotten your posts up yet. This week, I hope to redeem myself starting with Supreme General. Had the opportunity to talk to him a few weeks back, to get his story on the blog so check him out after the jump!
Born David Adams, Supreme was raised in Buffalo, New York. Though he lived in what he called a "gang environment," he knew his block as home. After a stint in the Air Force, Supreme tried his hand at rapping, just playing around in a studio with a friend. He admitted to writing some poetry before, in an effort to get girls (lol good tactic), but seemed to understand then that words had power. "Literature and anything releated to the English language fascinated me," he said. After discovering that he had a bit of skill, Supreme continued writing and rapping, and has been going full time for about five years. He released his mixtape, The Prelude 2: A Classic!!!, about a year ago, and it can be downloaded here
He also founded his own label, Hustle Game Enterprises, after getting shut down by other labels. "I couldn't get signed. The only offers I was getting was from independent labels," Supreme said. The offers not being up to his standards, the 28-year-old rapper went on to research into starting his own label. "It seemed like the most intelligent thing to do considering I didn't want to sell my soul or be told what to do," he stated.
When asked who are his greatest inspirations in the game, Supreme went with two favorites--Tupac and Nas. He claimed that Nas' rhymes were very detailed and Tupac's lyrics had real emotion that he could connect with. He admits that he can't get with the newer rappers out now. "When you're in hip hop, [music] is based on authenticity," Supreme claimed. Which is true. Different artists out now lack the emotion, the realness that artists before them had. I'm writing a paper for my media class on that now BUT that's a story for another time LOL. Supreme feels like he could see a lot of rappers in the game right now, and that pushes him to keep going. He's inspired to make it from "seeing guys not as skilled as me have more." Listen to some of his music below! Does he stand a chance in the industry right now?

I gotta say, I've done not a lot, but quite a few, spotlights on upcoming artists, all of which have amazing talent. But this dude right here? His flow and lyrics FLOORED me. Everybody got their own tastes so you may not agree, but after watching this video below I was hooked!
"Show Me What You Got Freestyle"-Supreme General
I admire his flow and his boldness. Yall think he could make it? I say yeah. Be sure to check out on his website and Twitter, as well as iTunes and ReverbNation.
Born David Adams, Supreme was raised in Buffalo, New York. Though he lived in what he called a "gang environment," he knew his block as home. After a stint in the Air Force, Supreme tried his hand at rapping, just playing around in a studio with a friend. He admitted to writing some poetry before, in an effort to get girls (lol good tactic), but seemed to understand then that words had power. "Literature and anything releated to the English language fascinated me," he said. After discovering that he had a bit of skill, Supreme continued writing and rapping, and has been going full time for about five years. He released his mixtape, The Prelude 2: A Classic!!!, about a year ago, and it can be downloaded here
He also founded his own label, Hustle Game Enterprises, after getting shut down by other labels. "I couldn't get signed. The only offers I was getting was from independent labels," Supreme said. The offers not being up to his standards, the 28-year-old rapper went on to research into starting his own label. "It seemed like the most intelligent thing to do considering I didn't want to sell my soul or be told what to do," he stated.
When asked who are his greatest inspirations in the game, Supreme went with two favorites--Tupac and Nas. He claimed that Nas' rhymes were very detailed and Tupac's lyrics had real emotion that he could connect with. He admits that he can't get with the newer rappers out now. "When you're in hip hop, [music] is based on authenticity," Supreme claimed. Which is true. Different artists out now lack the emotion, the realness that artists before them had. I'm writing a paper for my media class on that now BUT that's a story for another time LOL. Supreme feels like he could see a lot of rappers in the game right now, and that pushes him to keep going. He's inspired to make it from "seeing guys not as skilled as me have more." Listen to some of his music below! Does he stand a chance in the industry right now?
I gotta say, I've done not a lot, but quite a few, spotlights on upcoming artists, all of which have amazing talent. But this dude right here? His flow and lyrics FLOORED me. Everybody got their own tastes so you may not agree, but after watching this video below I was hooked!
"Show Me What You Got Freestyle"-Supreme General
I admire his flow and his boldness. Yall think he could make it? I say yeah. Be sure to check out on his website and Twitter, as well as iTunes and ReverbNation.
9:22:00 AM

What do yall think? That male model is soooo sexy lol but the vid is simple, right? I like it. #TeamNicki
10:11:00 AM
And now the vids!!!! Point blank period, Wale and B.o.B. are two of the hottest artists out right now. I pray that Wale gets the credit he deserves. He's mad underrated....we'll see with the next album. Check the vids!!! I apologize in advance for my yelling lol you can hear me loud and clear, and I'm yelling, not really singing. For the record, I got a little voice lol Also there's some shaking, and the vids are mostly sideways throughout. Recording wasn't really allowed, but I managed to get these by just acting like I was holding it while it was recording. Haha I just told on myself but whatevs! Just a little taste of what I experienced! Enjoy after the jump :-)
"Pretty Girls"-Wale
"No Hands"-Wale
"Nothing On You"-B.o.B.
"Pretty Girls"-Wale
"No Hands"-Wale
"Nothing On You"-B.o.B.
6:15:00 AM